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Want to know how to navigate the world of IVF with confidence?


As naturopaths & nutritionists that specialise in reproductive health, fertility, & IVF support, Sage King & Josephine Cabrall know the challenges patients face when navigating the world of IVF. It can be a really big step emotionally, physically, & financially. All too often, their patients go through the IVF process not knowing what is involved, what the step-by-step process is, the names of medications they're taking & how they actually work. Whether embarking on their first round of IVF, are currently undertaking IVF, or have done IVF in the past, there is still confusion around knowing exactly what's going on. They spend a lot of time in their consultations holding their patients hand through this process & explaining it in simple terms so they feel empowered & autonomous in the choices they make throughout their fertility journey.


After discussing the fact that this is the case for many of their patients, Sage & Josephine decided to create a webinar to provide those about to start or already undergoing IVF with the information & tools they need to be informed, knowledgeable, & empowered on their IVF journey. They knew it needed to be simple, straight forward, & in terms that people with no medical language experience will understand.


So, join Sage & Josephine as they demystify the IVF process & help you understand IVF terminology so you can navigate your IVF journey with confidence. In this 60-minute recorded webinar, Sage & Josephine will take you through the important fundamentals of:

  • Lifespan & development of eggs & sperm

  • Understanding the menstrual cycle, ovulation & how to know if/when ovulation is occurring

  • Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)

  • How IVF works

  • IVF terminology

  • The step-by-step process of IVF

  • Medications used & mechanism of action

  • The difference between IUI, IVF & ICSI

  • What questions you need to be asking your fertility specialist along the way


Sage & Josephine will also be sharing their experience & specific clinical insight into how they support their patients through the IVF process to not only optimise their outcomes, but also support their physical & emotional wellbeing.


This webinar is LGBTQIA+ friendly & created for all individuals that are about to or have already started their IVF journey that:

  • Are trying to conceive or wish to undergo egg freezing

  • Are single, or in a heterosexual or same-sex relationship

  • Feel like they don't know what to expect in starting an IVF cycle

  • Are confused by IVF terminology

  • Don't understand the process of IVF & what to expect

  • Don't know the action of medications prescribed during an IVF cycle


At the end of this webinar, you will:

  • Understand reproductive fundamentals of egg & sperm lifespan, menstrual cycle & how to know if/when you're ovulating

  • How to chart your ovulation & understand your menstrual cycle

  • Know what IVF is & how it works

  • Feel confident in understanding the step-by-step process of IVF including egg collection, freezing, & embryo transfer methods

  • Know the names & actions of medications used

  • What potential symptoms & side effects may arise

  • Learn IVF terminology, confidently speak 'IVF language', & know what questions to ask along the way


You will also receive bonus downloadable resources to support you on your journey including:

  • IVF summary guide

  • Basal body temperature (BBT) chart & instructions for ovulation tracking


Regardless of your circumstances when it comes to IVF, knowing the ins & outs makes all the difference in feeling prepared, informed & resilient through your IVF journey. Sage & Josephine are here to do that for you.

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    RH: Reproductive Health

    We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land, the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation, for which we are grateful to work and live on every day, and we acknowledge these lands were never ceded.

    ©2024 by RH: Reproductive Health

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